miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014


Activity is to be held near the tourism of tomorrow Tinen to watch the video and then make a comment on what they understood this very interesting.


11 comentarios:

  1. The video is beautiful and the models is very interesting,
    but we don´t understand some words :/
    In general the video shows a positive view of tourism, talk about more jobs and a community development.

    1. Exactly, the video shows some models and an overview of tourism of tomorrow, but what are the words you do not understand?

    2. These words appear in the models, but reading the context they understand what is said.

  2. Rhe video show us how the tourism has grown in China, they uses a methodolgy called Implementing Circle the principal topics are:
    Inventory (Uses maps and helps to undesrtand the resourses odf Tourism )
    Evaluation (It is based in the fisrt topic for to has the location)
    Formulatin Development Plan (Helps know the conditions of resourses and the community too)
    Action Plan (Is the action)
    Was good because We can note the methodology tha other countries uses for the develpment toursitistic.

    1. If, that is why it is very important to see the video, to give us a general idea of the countries that are developing, plus the like is used, so as you said, we found very important point of view.

  3. The tourist activity is important for us because of this we are going to live.
    Tourism creates many jobs in addition to many cities depend on this activity.
    Tourism is a dynamic and competitive industry that requires the ability to adapt constantly to customers' changing needs and desires, as the customer’s satisfaction, safety and enjoyment are particularly the focus of tourism businesses.


  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Hello mates, the video is very interesting, besides that says many things that are true with relation to tourism. data and ideas are in their entirety and some show the importance of tourism in the world for many people, they do not have but give the most effort being made to give the best possible service. well congratulations colleagues.


    The video is about the tourism and how can we plan this activity. The video shows an methodology to plan the activity and some indicators to measure the activity. This video is important because we should think in an activity planning that helps to preserve the culture and the environment and at the same time we should think in help at the community.

  7. this video seems wonderful because it shows us different aspects of tourism that should be taken into account for the tourism of tomorrow, mainly understood that the quality of service we will be too important spot for tourists also will will need to have adequate infrastructure and also have a good assessment of both natural and cultural resources, another important point is that you should develop action plans in which the local community can benefit from it and make use of technology with new inventions that enable the development of tourism in conclusion is the innovation.

  8. It is surprising that tourism can be practiced anywhere in the world, but the most interesting graphs and statistics that provide in tourism. It is an interesting destination and tien heritage that can be availed for all types of tourists who want to know from the most traditional to the most innovative


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Xochimilco´s Park