miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014


Activity is to be held near the tourism of tomorrow Tinen to watch the video and then make a comment on what they understood this very interesting.


sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014

Passive Voice

Actually this video is very important, as many of us don´t know the rules of how to structure the words to the passive voice, this video is very interesting, because we enselña structurally words, so it gives us examples, chequenlo this very interesting .

Available in : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1OmSgZmCNQ

Note: Please see the end of the video made ​​two or three examples.

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Social Tourism Organizations

Welcome to the website of ISTO "International Social Tourism Organisation"

The International Social Tourism Organization is an international non-profit association whose purpose is to promote access to tourism for all, with special attention to population groups of modest economic level.

With a network of members that spans several continents, ISTO is considered, today, the global organization for social tourism autonomy.

Among the members of ISTO include associations, unions, cooperatives, private organizations and public administrations in charge of tourism.


Launched on June 7, 1963, ISTO aims to "promote the development of social tourism within the international framework. Towards this end, handles both the coordination of tourism activities of its members, as information of all matters related social tourism, either cultural or economic aspects and social implications. "


ISTO's actions are realized mainly in the diffusion of information, through your website, your magazine and your newsletter e-studies and research, as well as participation in cooperation projects and missions expertise.

ISTO also organizes a world congress every two years, two regional or thematic seminars and workshops. All in order to stimulate the relationship between associate members and reviewers.

ISTO has working committees in order to allow member organizations to meet and discuss issues of common interest and propose to undertake actions aimed at achieving the objectives. There are currently three working I commissioned responsible for the following topics: tourism and youth; tourism for people with disabilities and tourism.


Among the members of ISTO organizations are public and private, and non- profit making. These should be noted tourism associations, holiday centers and youth hostels networks; agencies and tour operators; unions, cooperatives, NGOs, training institutions and official tourist agencies. They all have an important social activity for tourism. ISTO currently has about 165 members in 35 countries.
ISTO members are divided into 3 categories: assets and members (in turn , divided into 3 levels) , honorary members of the public law, finally, honorary members .

ISTO instances are formed by a General Assembly which convenes every two years; a Board of Directors, elected every four years; a College with executive function, by the implementation of Council decisions and, finally, a Secretariat, which is based in Brussels.

In order to better meet the needs of members at regional, ISTO decided to create two regional sections. Thus, in 1994 a General Secretariat for the American continents ( ISTO Americas ), headquartered in Montreal, which acts as a body for the promotion, contact and coordination of trade for the countries of North America, Central and Latin was established South .

Origins of social tourism

Tourism as we know it today appeared only in the nineteenth century. At that time, was reserved for an elite of the bourgeoisie, since that laws regulating the work did not include accommodation for the workers, who had to work every day until Sunday. So the possibilities for vacation were limited for the vast majority of citizens.

In 1936, the adoption by the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 52 on paid holidays marked the starting point of social tourism. The principle of this agreement is also found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right to rest, to enjoy leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay”.

So we can say that social tourism was born of an ethical requirement by militant whose legitimacy is based on a right, the right to tourism, which is a natural extension of the right to work, rest and paid leave.


Family vacations have changed appreciably in recent decades by the evolution of the family structure, characterized mainly by the size of families was reduced and the increase in the number of single-parent families, but also because of the mobility of families, often related to occupational mobility.

Between supply -related social tourism, which attracts a large number of families, we must mention the holiday villages and other structures of this type of accommodation where some activities suitable for children of different ages exist, and a series of activities meet the needs of families. The site is also a formula that interests a large number of families allowing a privileged contact with nature.


The youth tourism is a phenomenon that was heavily influenced by the movements of postwar youth, who were born with a purpose of peace. Today, young viajadores (15-25 years) represent more than 20% of international tourist arrivals according to statistics provided by the World Tourism Organization (WTO).

Increasing the level of education, the desire to know other cultures and learn a new language, the recovery of this type of experience in the tourism industry and the development of a range of products and services tailored to young audiences are factors that explain this reality now present on all continents.

The Seniors

Demographic trends of recent years was characterized by a sustained growth rate of the population over 60 years. This reality is explained in part by increased life expectancy, and partly by the falling birth rate, and anger only increase in the future.

People aged 50-55 years are considered seniors (according to sources). This white then includes "young seniors" still active, newly retired and the elderly.

Persons with disabilities or reduced mobility

The barriers that people with disabilities are for the organization and implementation of a tourism trip is not only about architectural barriers, but also some related to negative attitudes and behaviors. Even more than in other areas, it is essential to give training to staff working in the tourism industry to sensitize them to the special needs of people with disabilities, adaptation measures for accessibility, and how to deliver appropriate services to these customers, taking into account different types of disabilities.

Tourism for people with disabilities became an increasingly important market because it is based on a growing demand and interest by the tourism industry due to several factors:

 - The number of people with a disability, and therefore the number of potential customers is very high.
- People with disabilities are traveling with a friend, family member, or a social worker and the number of potential customers can be folded.

This is another organization that works with countries such as Europe, to promote social tourism internationally favoring him.

Welcome, this is the second organization of social tourism (BITS) "International Bureau of Social Tourism"


Launched on June 7, 1963 in Brussels, the International Bureau of Social Tourism (BITS) is an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote access to leisure, vacation and tourism, the largest number of people ( young, old, families and disabled people) , as well as provide the means to achieve this goal with the help of the other organisms that share this task: governments, social organizations , non-profit and private organizations.


The mission of BITS is to promote the development of social tourism within the international framework. To that end, handles both the coordination of tourism activities of its members, as information of all matter related social tourism, either in the cultural aspects or the economic and social consequences , allowing the promotion of integrated sustainable tourism that benefits local people and respects the natural and cultural heritage.


Stocks BITS concretize mainly through the diffusion of information, through its web site, its magazine and e - newsletter of his , studies and research, as well as participation in cooperation projects and expert missions .

The BITS also organizes a world congress every two years, regional or thematic seminars and workshops. All in order to stimulate the relationship between associate members and reviewers.

The BITS also plays an important role in representation. He is a consultant member of the World Tourism Organization ( WTO) , the World Confederation for youth , student and educational travel ( WYSETC ) , the European Committee of Associations of general interest ( CEDAG ) and ETAG ( European group of tourist action ).

Available in:  http://bitsamericas.wordpress.com/about/le-bits/

These are companies working to promote social tourism within these mentioned when I start, the type of population it serves, where it is and what it offers, as well as also very important things are social responsibility, these organizations are nonprofit, same which aims to promote access to national and international tourism, Give us a hand them to favor the information we read and discuss, really we found very interesting topic.

Second Interview

First interview

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Third Activity

We want to share our third activity for your, Please Read and check the text. 
We would like to count of your opinion about of our work. 
Theme: Eco Friendly tours (Example)
Being an eco-friendly tour operator or travel agent brings many benefits such as reducen costs, wildlife conservation, cultural understanding, and more ecoturists.
The guidelines or rules to consider for a "green" travel agency or tour operator:

* Profitable Business
*Local benefits
* Environmental conservation.

An example about of an Eco Friendly Tours  in Mexico is :
"Parque Ecologico Xochimilco" 
Location:  is located 23 KM south of the capital of Mexico.

The project was developed by the great deterioration had both Xochimilco canals and lakes and green areas nearby. In addition to rescue this place that has over 1000 years of history, the urban sprawl that intended to continue until the area chinampera stopped.

The Xochimilco Ecological Park rescues both ecological and cultural values ​​of the place. Ecological values ​​for the recovery of the flora and fauna of the site, as well as water bodies preventing deterioration and incorporating preventive measures to improve them; cultural values ​​for the rescue of the chinampas, an ancient method of producing food and flowers organically.

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

Second Activity

Title: Main Ideas & Suporting Details

We chose this theme because we don’t know identify the main idea of an article or a writing.

This teme shows how identify the main idea of an article or a writing and also idetify the second ideas to reforcé the principal idea.
We show an example of an article. You can see it in your book in page 86.


The main idea of this article is to being an ‘eco-friendly’ tour operator or travel agent brings many benefits such as reduced costs, wildlife conservation, cultural understanding, and more ecotourists. And the second ideas are the how the economic policy have to important to finance a touristic proyects, how the enviromental policy is more important to the development of flora, faune and the traveles, and how the social responsability of the comunity and operator are important to the place and the development of ecoturism.

sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

Hi everyone, Welcome to Our Blog, In this page yo can be part of the many people that loves Tourism.

Hi, My name is David, I´m 23 years old, I´m from Morelos but actually I live in State of Mexico. I´m study Tourism. I like read a good book, i love travel and meet new places, friends from all the world.

Hello, I´m  Santiago and  i ´m going to share  the best  things about of Tourism   . I like watch movies in my free times or sometimes  i prefer a good book . I love Tourism and i would like to work in a n important Hotel in México´s city .

Hi everybody my name is  Stefania  , I´m 22 years old and im consider a Tourism lover  haha, mi hobbies are  listen electronic music, my favorite artist is Enrique Iglesias, i love Mangas,i like play football soccer with my friends .

Hello, I´m Erendira . I live in Villa Guerrero, I´m 24 years old and there are very things that i can say about me, but my  principal characteristics are these: 
*I love Justin Bieber haha.
* I love my pet called Toggy.
*I´m Single  <3. 
* I like the guys that are so funny and  special with me.
* I´m studying  tourism because i love travel and meet new places.

Xochimilco´s Park

Xochimilco´s Park